Genius Focus

With Genius Focus you can grow your ability to continuously uplift every area of life: your health, relationships, productivity, prosperity and fun.

  • Discover Your Health Mind
  • Innovate and Create
  • Enjoy Manifesting

Welcome to GENIUS FOCUS, Treasure #2 of UPLIFTING. 

What is a healthy mind in today’s challenging chaos? 

How can we stay focused on the goals we value so we are continuously creating the reality we want and increasingly enjoying Nature’s gifts of aliveness? How do we inspire positivity and enthusiasm amid endless distractions from e-commerce noise and fear-based media manipulations?

A healthy mind is our birthright. Successful human evolution requires mental health to grow its top goals of health, joy and prosperity. Clearly, it’s evolution time!

The goal of this class is to establish and inhabit the nourishing foundation for genuine mind health.

In the Genius Focus, we define the abilities and qualities of a healthy mind. With these, you can increasingly move your mental activities into UPLIFTING and out of survival’s disease-producing patterns that keep triggering stress/anxiety.

There is now a mental health crisis in America if not globally. 61% of Millennials and Gen Z employees are stressed out, anxious, overwhelmed and near burnout, with 40% of older workers experiencing the same. Yet among the numerous descriptions of this burgeoning problem, I’ve not seen one that defines a healthy mind. We are changing that.

Necessity inspires! The stress of our 21st century challenges is now forcing a new paradigm of higher awareness to burst through our confused mental soil and blossom into the sunlight of authentic, functional biological intelligence. 

Fortunately, throughout history the most incredible humans somehow figured out how to use their minds in a special way to contribute their brilliant solutions, innovations, discoveries and artistic masterpieces. This is the Genius Focus. It is our mental key to enter the evolutionary elevator. With this knowledge all people can help uplift humanity.

What is super cool is how easy it is!  

We’re going to apply the Genius Focus to six main levels of being human, AND… we’re going to uplift all of these levels into optimal health.  

  1. Your self-esteem – the psychological prize. Discover the source of what is your true self-respect, self-confidence & self-love
  2. Your internal dialogue – Your self-talk determines virtually everything about your reality plus your emotional, psychological and mental health. Tell your self-talk how to uplift.
  3. Your communication patterns – Create mutually positive interactions with others.
  4. Your immune strength – Benefit from how your mental activities, neurotransmitters and immune system are interconnected – the field of psychoneuroimmunology
  5. Your “Big Mind” – Access the source of your creativity, intuition, innovation and brilliant solutions now needed for uplifting life on Earth – so you can more easily receive the guidance and answers to better navigate your life.
  6. Manifesting – Take advantage of how, as energy transmitters and receivers, we can more powerfully manifest what we most value in our lives by understanding our relationship to the quantum energetic matrix of the Biosphere of Mother Earth.

The ability to beneficially influence our reality as more advanced human beings – by understanding how to operate effectively in our energy-based Biosphere – has always been THE primary, original teaching of every true religion, every authentic spiritual path and every genuine wisdom tradition. This is now essential for humans to master so together we help move our species beyond survival and uplift Life on Earth.

In Dynamic Calm, Treasure #1, we learned how to literally feel calm, dissolve anxiety, de-stress and enjoy mental clarity focused in the present – all within six seconds – for the rest of your life. By controlling your body’s stress factory, the hypothalamus/pituitary/adrenal glands axis or HPA-axis, you effectively eliminate stress damage so there’s no more stress to “manage”.  Dynamic Calm, which also produces the prized ancient state of meditation, is a valuable health-growing state that physicians prescribe as “rest” – because it allows your energy and nutrients to repair, heal, recharge and rejuvenate your body.  

While Dynamic Calm is joyful and nourishes health by itself, especially when compared to stress/anxiety and overwhelm, Genius Focus is needed because we have evolved mentally to continuously trigger fight/flight survival reactions of stress and anxiety simply with our thinking. In fact, up to 80% of primary care doctor visits and 50% of sick days at work are from people not knowing how to operate their own minds in a healthy way in order to escape from survival-based thinking. 

Please join us for the GENIUS FOCUS and uplift your mind with refreshing health.

Psychophysiologist Robert Simon Siegel
Author of ENERGY JOY – The Stress Fix shares his experience as a stress specialist in medical centers and corporate wellness to bring a practical understanding of ‘energy’ from ancient wisdom traditions into stress physiology. Robert’s clients have included CEOs of multi-national corporations, a sitting Governor, police chief, physicians, nurses and people from all walks of life. Robert works with health professionals and organizations including: Chevron, USA, NBC, Providence Health Systems, Port of Seattle Police Dept., Pritikin Longevity Center, King County WA, Washington Athletic Club & TRW.

Robert shows how we can activate our ‘energy joy engine’ to uplift into delightfully new levels of health, joy and biological intelligence.

Get your ENERGY JOY book here